Proof of Concept

we offer two POC flavors

Need a more personalized experience?

For Large Team and Enterprise users, we strongly encourage a Proof of Concept (POC), to establish how VizSeek visual search will work for you. During the POC, the VizSeek search engine would be fine-tuned for optimum performance for your application, a full benchmark study will be conducted using your data, and you will be able to report your findings based on solid data. We offer two different types of POC, cloud-hosted or hosted on-premises.

Cloud-hosted POC

  • Set-up and functionality similar to free trial, but additionally, you can upload your own files to our cloud-hosted environment

  • The POC includes searches for a wide range of file types, up to 3000 of your own target files plus benchmarking, full email and remote support, and a benchmark study by the VizSeek team (You must provide a truth data set for the benchmark to be conducted *)

  • The license and support cost is US $5,000 per month; the POC begins after the account is ready and the VizSeek team gives client access

  • Meetings can be scheduled with our team as needed to provide feedback and to ensure a successful testing experience

  • API access is available during the POC

On-premises POC

  • A VPN accessible single sever that meets the recommended hardware specifications** to run the application must be provided

  • VizSeek will deploy a docker containerized platform to your server

  • Installation and setup cost (one time): US $6,000

  • The license and support cost is US $5,000 per month, minimum 2-month commitment

  • Meetings can be scheduled with our team as needed to provide feedback and to ensure a successful testing experience

  • API access is available during the POC